Tag: sky

6:35 pm | |


A part of our homeschooling journey is incorporating nature and science. We are very much into Earth Science, Astronomy, Animals, and preserving the Earth. We don’t seem to have owls

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9:33 pm | |

Summer Nights

Last night we decided to trek out into this apocalyptic pandemic world and hit the local drive-in movie theatre! They were doing a retro play on screen 1 of Jurassic

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8:29 pm | |

Day 48: I guess I lied…

This morning I woke up to a bunch of news articles that said the Governor extended the stay at home orders until May 29th. Non essential businesses will still reopen

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4:12 pm | |

Summer Fun Thoughts

This Summer was going to be full of small adventures. We wanted to stay close to home this year, with a new dog in the mix, day trips or an

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