We had a terribly high heat index yesterday, leading up to a line of severe storms late last night. Many people got beautiful shots of a double rainbow and lightning,
Read FullYup. It’s May 8th, and it snowed. Between the quarantine and this weather, Ohioans are going to lead a revolution against Mother Nature! I worked today for a few hours,
Read FullI put in 5 hours at the hardware store today putting away truck. It gave me a great opportunity to start learning the products and the store layout. Amazingly, my
Read FullToday is my favorite holiday! I love science and nature, and I try to do what I can to lessen my family’s impact on Earth. I’ve had people over the
Read FullFirst off, I skipped the bike this morning, and went for my next 5k run. I knew I’d be a lot more active today, and I didn’t want to fall
Read FullOhio has hit the April cold spell. Hopefully it clears out this weekend and doesn’t come back. The temperature cooled down and it rained/slushed/snowed off and on throughout the day.
Read FullWe were up at midnight because a severe weather alert buzzed over the phone. We were under a tornado warning, and the sirens were going off. It was bad enough
Read FullAs you can see, the first bit of planting we did is starting to grow! 🌱 The girls took a break from schoolwork and video games and continued playing board
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