Tag: summer

5:59 pm | |

Another Year Older

Yesterday was my birthday! It was pretty warm out, so we did a little house cleaning and relaxing until later in the day. We went to my dad’s and have

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9:38 am | |

Birthday Goals

Happy July! It’s weigh-in day. It’s my birthday month. It’s the one year anniversary of getting a hysterectomy. July is a BIG month! I lost another 1.6 pounds this week!

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7:45 pm | |

Happy Summer Solstice!

Today was a bit spontaneous. We really had no concrete plans, except to kind of take it easy since I had over 13K steps on Friday between work and the

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2:00 pm | |

Fun with Foam

Sometimes it’s the simple things you will remember in the long run. We purchased some bookcases, and part of the packaging were these foam squares. Henna took it upon herself

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7:00 pm | |

Pool Fun

Today we visited Grandma and Grandpa’s house to enjoy some pool time with the cousins. That’s the great thing about homeschooling, especially when the cousins are homeschooled too! We can

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9:15 am | |

Summer Storm

August in Ohio isn’t fun. It’s hot and sticky and everyone is trying to get in last minute vacations and back to school shopping trips. It does however make some

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9:16 am | |

3…2…1… Blast Off!

Can you see it in the featured picture? Way up in the sky! You may need to clean your monitor so you don’t mistake little dirt pieces for it (I

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5:00 pm | |

First Day of School… Kind Of…

Today we started school… kind of… For the purposes of keeping track of what we do each year, our school year runs from July-June. I consider us year round homeschoolers,

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8:00 pm | |

New River Gorge Bridge and Hawks Nest – West Virginia

We decided to take a day trip from Nana and Papaw’s house to see some of the gorgeous views West Virginia has to offer. The New River Gorge Bridge does

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4:12 pm | |

Summer Fun Thoughts

This Summer was going to be full of small adventures. We wanted to stay close to home this year, with a new dog in the mix, day trips or an

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