Tag: sunset

2:54 pm | |

Cats, Lanterns, College, Oh My!

It’s been a busy time! I finally finished my college class and got my final paper grade back! Overall, I got an A in the class! We also checked out

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6:35 pm | |


A part of our homeschooling journey is incorporating nature and science. We are very much into Earth Science, Astronomy, Animals, and preserving the Earth. We don’t seem to have owls

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9:52 pm | |

Catching Up…

So, I have less than 3 weeks left of my college class. I have 2 more exams, 4 more chapters to read, one 5-7 page paper to write, and possibly

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9:00 am | |

Fourth of July Fun

Almost all fireworks displays were canceled because of the pandemic, so our normal festivities were altered. We grilled out for ourselves, and a lot later my parents, brother, uncle, and

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9:33 pm | |

Summer Nights

Last night we decided to trek out into this apocalyptic pandemic world and hit the local drive-in movie theatre! They were doing a retro play on screen 1 of Jurassic

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10:32 pm | |

Day 60: Homestead Cleanup

Today we had a friend come over to breakdown our beehives. They died over the winter, and we hadn’t cracked them open yet to see what was going on. Each

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8:29 pm | |

Day 48: I guess I lied…

This morning I woke up to a bunch of news articles that said the Governor extended the stay at home orders until May 29th. Non essential businesses will still reopen

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9:14 pm | |

Day 41: Facing The Brave New World (Happy Arbor Day)

First off, the moon is absolutely gorgeous. A thin crescent underneath of Venus following the setting Sun. A beautiful sunset to watch! As for this New World thing, this was

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8:04 pm | |

Day 36: Celebrating Earth Week

This week hosts not only Earth Day, but Ohio’s Arbor Day. That’s a whole lot of love to the outdoors. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain much of the week. The

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8:00 pm | |

Day 35: Weekend Warrior Project – Fence

First off, I skipped the bike this morning, and went for my next 5k run. I knew I’d be a lot more active today, and I didn’t want to fall

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