Tag: the shop

7:43 pm | |

Little Project Updates

We’ve started a few small projects in the shop. Luke got in some hardware and tools to build a small toolbox the same way you would build an airplane (ya

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6:20 pm | |

Storm Damage!

So yesterday late afternoon, we had a storm blow through. It brought some much needed rain to the gardens, and it got a little windy. Nothing to terrible. We registered

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7:47 pm | |

Anxiety, Weight Loss, and Homesteading…

How about a little bit of everything in one post? First off, my cover photo has two baby bunnies playing at the edge of our woods (in case you couldn’t

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8:00 pm | |

Backyard Mechanic

Today was another day full of projects. We got the planter boxes moved up by the house, so now I just need more dirt! The garden is doing ok, and

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10:00 pm | |

Day 64: Homestead Happenings

We had a few storms pop up around us today, but only a light sprinkle here at the house. It was however, hot and humid. We broke 80 degrees Fahrenheit!

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8:31 pm | |

Day 57: Mother’s Day

The girls made me cards, we ate a bunch of ice cream and snacks (the diet blew right out the window), and I watched a storm blow through. Luke worked

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9:14 pm | |

Day 44: A New Beginning

So, it looks like some Doves have nested in the bird netting above our rabbit enclosure. There are 2 little eggs in the nest. What a terrible place to make

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9:14 pm | |

Day 41: Facing The Brave New World (Happy Arbor Day)

First off, the moon is absolutely gorgeous. A thin crescent underneath of Venus following the setting Sun. A beautiful sunset to watch! As for this New World thing, this was

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8:44 pm | |

Day 24: Karate Time!

Today was more of the same. We had some rain. My shoulder/back is killing me still. Luke continued with the 3D printer. I gathered eggs. And there’s an awesome full

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