Tag: trees

6:20 pm | |

Storm Damage!

So yesterday late afternoon, we had a storm blow through. It brought some much needed rain to the gardens, and it got a little windy. Nothing to terrible. We registered

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6:49 pm | |

Father’s Day and A 5 Year Plan

Our main Father’s Day event was driving 35 minutes to pick up Chile’s carside to go for lunch! Yum! Today was a lazier day. We did work a touch on

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8:07 am | |

Racking up Steps!

Now that the weather is staying mostly nice, I’m getting in a lot more daily steps. There’s always something that needs done around here, and the list keeps getting longer!

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8:29 pm | |

Day 48: I guess I lied…

This morning I woke up to a bunch of news articles that said the Governor extended the stay at home orders until May 29th. Non essential businesses will still reopen

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8:13 pm | |

Day 25: Wicked Weather

We were up at midnight because a severe weather alert buzzed over the phone. We were under a tornado warning, and the sirens were going off. It was bad enough

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5:40 pm | |

Day 21: A Little Fresh Air

Sunny and upper 60’s was the perfect combination today! Luke started up the lawnmower and cleared the chicken yard of some of the tall, dead brush. Then we decided to

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7:50 pm | |

Day 20: Trees

First off, I got in my 5K app run today, so yay! Go me! The weather was decent today, but a little windy. Once Luke was off of work, he

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7:14 pm | |

Day 19: Making Better Choices

That’s the advice I need to follow to continue my weight loss journey. I made a choice to have turkey hot dogs instead of beef. I made a choice to

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