Tag: unschoolers

9:31 pm | |

Day 38: Live From The Porch… Sort Of.

First off, I did my bike today! It’s my best ride yet. I’m getting more cardio minutes each time I do this. For today’s Earth Week project, we installed the

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10:06 pm | |

Day 33: Homeschooling?

So, even before the pandemic, we were a homeschool family. This is our 7th year, and we are a mixture of book work, online, and unschooling/real world stuff. Lately, it’s

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1:50 pm | |

Quarantine and Cookies!

So, the entire world is on alert right now for COVID-19. Last week Ohio’s governor shut down the schools for 3 weeks, and yesterday he shut down bars and restaurants

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6:00 pm | |

Checking out the Wooster YMCA pool

We’ve been YMCA members for awhile now, but this was the first time we went to the neighboring town and checked out their pool! Wooster’s YMCA has their pool at

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2:00 pm | |

Fun with Foam

Sometimes it’s the simple things you will remember in the long run. We purchased some bookcases, and part of the packaging were these foam squares. Henna took it upon herself

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9:15 am | |

Summer Storm

August in Ohio isn’t fun. It’s hot and sticky and everyone is trying to get in last minute vacations and back to school shopping trips. It does however make some

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9:16 am | |

3…2…1… Blast Off!

Can you see it in the featured picture? Way up in the sky! You may need to clean your monitor so you don’t mistake little dirt pieces for it (I

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5:00 pm | |

First Day of School… Kind Of…

Today we started school… kind of… For the purposes of keeping track of what we do each year, our school year runs from July-June. I consider us year round homeschoolers,

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1:14 pm | |

Road Trip: Atlanta, Georgia – Part 2

After a day dedicated to learning all about Georgia’s gold rush (Part 1), we turned our attention to two places in Atlanta for more science education. Our first stop was

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3:56 pm | | Comment 1

Road Trip: Atlanta, Georgia – Part 1

Last night was the first night we were back in our own beds after a 5 day road trip from Ohio to Georgia and back. Luke’s company is based out

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