Tag: walking

2:21 pm | |

How Does Your Garden Grow?

With dirt! 🤣 Seriously though, we are finally slowly working on the last 3 planter boxes, but a friend dropped of some plants and almost everywhere is out of bagged

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10:05 pm | |

A Very Long Day

This was my longest work day so far. I was scheduled 7 hours, so I got a 30 minute lunch. It was truck day, and the start of Memorial Day

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9:23 pm | |

Day 53: Introducing Ms. Holly’s hobby classes!

So, first off, today was a LONG day. I had to be up early to take my mom to a doctor’s appointment. Needless to say, I was dragging all day,

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8:29 pm | |

Day 48: I guess I lied…

This morning I woke up to a bunch of news articles that said the Governor extended the stay at home orders until May 29th. Non essential businesses will still reopen

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9:18 pm | |

Day 45: Workout at Work

I put in 5 hours at the hardware store today putting away truck. It gave me a great opportunity to start learning the products and the store layout. Amazingly, my

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9:30 pm | |

Day 40: A Little Funk Feeling

I woke up in a funk today. I didn’t sleep great, woke up hurting, and had some anxiety jitters. I managed to do a 5k training run today instead of

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9:04 pm | |

Day 32: Wacky Weather

Ohio has hit the April cold spell. Hopefully it clears out this weekend and doesn’t come back. The temperature cooled down and it rained/slushed/snowed off and on throughout the day.

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10:33 pm | |

Day 30: Intro to the Recumbent Bike

We were under a wind advisory today, and it rained off and on, so I spent the day inside. Knowing I’ve gone completely off my WW plan, I know I

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8:00 pm | |

Day 29: Happy Easter!

We did a little house cleaning/reorganizing today, including putting up another drying rack for flowers and herbs. Our “Easter baskets” consisted of candy, squid kites, bird houses, wind chimes, oil

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9:32 pm | |

Day 28: Getting Back to “Normal”

My shoulder pain is finally starting to subside, so even though it was a little chilly and windy today, Luke and I did a short outdoor walk. We cleaned in

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