Tag: weather

6:20 pm | |

Storm Damage!

So yesterday late afternoon, we had a storm blow through. It brought some much needed rain to the gardens, and it got a little windy. Nothing to terrible. We registered

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9:14 pm | |

Homestead Views

We had some rain this evening, resulting in a rainbow! We even had a double for a few minutes! I worked 5 hours today, but managed to get a short

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8:09 pm | |

Stormy Days

We’ve had some rain off and on, which is good, because the gardens needed it, but some areas around us had some major downpours and flash floods! It seemed to

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7:37 am | |

Spring Storms

We had a terribly high heat index yesterday, leading up to a line of severe storms late last night. Many people got beautiful shots of a double rainbow and lightning,

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8:31 pm | |

Day 57: Mother’s Day

The girls made me cards, we ate a bunch of ice cream and snacks (the diet blew right out the window), and I watched a storm blow through. Luke worked

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10:08 pm | |

Day 55: Snow?!

Yup. It’s May 8th, and it snowed. Between the quarantine and this weather, Ohioans are going to lead a revolution against Mother Nature! I worked today for a few hours,

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9:20 pm | |

Day 39: Happy Earth Day!

Today is my favorite holiday! I love science and nature, and I try to do what I can to lessen my family’s impact on Earth. I’ve had people over the

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9:04 pm | |

Day 32: Wacky Weather

Ohio has hit the April cold spell. Hopefully it clears out this weekend and doesn’t come back. The temperature cooled down and it rained/slushed/snowed off and on throughout the day.

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8:00 pm | |

Day 31: First Blood

Ok, so not really that dramatic, although if I keep this bike exercise up, I’ll be just as fit as Rambo! The chickens are being chickens. No roosters were harmed

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7:00 pm | |

Day 27: Snow & Science

This week has been a whirlwind for Ohio. We went from 70’s and sunny to tornadoes and hail to snow! That’s right, we woke up to a dusting of snow

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