Tag: weekend warrior

8:00 pm | |

Backyard Mechanic

Today was another day full of projects. We got the planter boxes moved up by the house, so now I just need more dirt! The garden is doing ok, and

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8:15 pm | |

Weekend Projects

After spending all day Friday at work, it was time to start the weekend projects! First, was finishing off 1 planter box and getting the dirt into it so I

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8:00 pm | |

Day 35: Weekend Warrior Project – Fence

First off, I skipped the bike this morning, and went for my next 5k run. I knew I’d be a lot more active today, and I didn’t want to fall

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10:06 pm | |

Day 33: Homeschooling?

So, even before the pandemic, we were a homeschool family. This is our 7th year, and we are a mixture of book work, online, and unschooling/real world stuff. Lately, it’s

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5:40 pm | |

Day 21: A Little Fresh Air

Sunny and upper 60’s was the perfect combination today! Luke started up the lawnmower and cleared the chicken yard of some of the tall, dead brush. Then we decided to

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7:21 pm | |

Day 7: Weekend Warrior Prep

Today we prepared for a shut down here in Ohio. They haven’t announced it yet, but I imagine it’s coming. I put out my egg selling sign since the girls

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