Tag: ww

9:46 pm | |

Day 56: Finding a Balance

Apparently Mother Nature and I have a similar problem. Finding balance in our lives. The snow stuck overnight! For my life though, it’s more of a not falling into bad

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9:14 pm | |

Day 44: A New Beginning

So, it looks like some Doves have nested in the bird netting above our rabbit enclosure. There are 2 little eggs in the nest. What a terrible place to make

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9:20 pm | |

Day 39: Happy Earth Day!

Today is my favorite holiday! I love science and nature, and I try to do what I can to lessen my family’s impact on Earth. I’ve had people over the

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8:04 pm | |

Day 36: Celebrating Earth Week

This week hosts not only Earth Day, but Ohio’s Arbor Day. That’s a whole lot of love to the outdoors. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain much of the week. The

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8:09 pm | |

Day 34: Health & Science

It was a cold, snowy/rainy day again today. Tomorrow is supposed to be fairly clear and about 10°F warmer, so hopefully our weekend warrior project can get under way! For

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10:06 pm | |

Day 33: Homeschooling?

So, even before the pandemic, we were a homeschool family. This is our 7th year, and we are a mixture of book work, online, and unschooling/real world stuff. Lately, it’s

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9:04 pm | |

Day 32: Wacky Weather

Ohio has hit the April cold spell. Hopefully it clears out this weekend and doesn’t come back. The temperature cooled down and it rained/slushed/snowed off and on throughout the day.

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10:33 pm | |

Day 30: Intro to the Recumbent Bike

We were under a wind advisory today, and it rained off and on, so I spent the day inside. Knowing I’ve gone completely off my WW plan, I know I

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8:09 pm | |

Day 12: These Boots Were Made For Walking

It was another gorgeous day out until about 10 minutes ago when the rain finally made it’s appearance. Honestly, I love the rain, but when I’m eating way too much

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9:04 pm | |

Day 11: A Little Dirt Never Hurt

Today was a gorgeous day outside. Mid 60’s, sunshine, warm! Avery and I decided to plant a few seeds inside. With the pandemic, greenhouses and online seed companies are selling

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