Tag: ww

7:41 pm | |

Day 9: “Rest Day”

The Stay at Home order for Ohio goes into effect tonight at 11:59PM. It doesn’t change our day to day from the past week by much, but it’s a very

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8:31 am | |

Day 6: WW and Home Workouts

So, since actively trying to stay home, I’ve been snacking more. Maybe the stress and anxiety are starting to sink in, but it’s something I need to curb. One thing

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5:33 pm | |

New Hair!

So, I did a thing. Today was weigh in day at my WW meeting, and I’m 32.6 pounds down since December 4th, 2019. I normally get my hair done once

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11:35 am | |

Weight Loss Milestones

So, my local WW meeting is on Wednesday mornings, so today in Weigh-in Wednesday! I hit -30 pounds lost since I signed up on December 4th, 2019! It’s not the

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9:55 pm | |

Weight Loss Journey

So, since December, I’ve been doing WW. It’s a hard lesson on healthy eating and portion control, but I can say that as of today, I’m a quarter of the

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