Category: Holidays

9:02 am | |

Birthdays and Holidays!

After getting out of the hospital with Lexi, life seems to be nonstop. We had vet visits for our stray momma cat Bitty to get spayed, and Tim needed a

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10:14 am | |

Hospital Stay

So, just a quick update… Last weekend Lexi didn’t feel the greatest, and we decided Monday morning to take her to the local ER because she was having more stomach

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9:40 pm | |

A Quick Update!

Where to begin! It’s been busy around here. Here’s a super quick update. Our stray Bitty had babies! I caught them and they’ve been in my spare room for the

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5:59 pm | |

Another Year Older

Yesterday was my birthday! It was pretty warm out, so we did a little house cleaning and relaxing until later in the day. We went to my dad’s and have

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9:00 am | |

Fourth of July Fun

Almost all fireworks displays were canceled because of the pandemic, so our normal festivities were altered. We grilled out for ourselves, and a lot later my parents, brother, uncle, and

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6:49 pm | |

Father’s Day and A 5 Year Plan

Our main Father’s Day event was driving 35 minutes to pick up Chile’s carside to go for lunch! Yum! Today was a lazier day. We did work a touch on

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7:45 pm | |

Happy Summer Solstice!

Today was a bit spontaneous. We really had no concrete plans, except to kind of take it easy since I had over 13K steps on Friday between work and the

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2:16 pm | |

Memorial Day Weekend

It was busy! And hot! To start the weekend off, I spent Friday at work for 6.5 hours putting away truck. Only to come home and go back with the

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8:31 pm | |

Day 57: Mother’s Day

The girls made me cards, we ate a bunch of ice cream and snacks (the diet blew right out the window), and I watched a storm blow through. Luke worked

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10:21 pm | |

Day 49: Quarantine Birthday!

Today Lilly turned 13! We weren’t able to take her shopping, but we did get iced coffees from the grocery store, and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Blizzard cake from Dairy

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