Category: Keeping Active

9:06 pm | |

Workout Wednesday

I’ve been stalled on my WW journey for a number of months. I simoly fluctuate 1-5lbs. I know I could be a bit more strict with my diet, but I

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9:08 am | |

A Day Trip To Marietta!

Yesterday we drove 2 hours to Marietta to meet up with my grandparents. We haven’t seen them since November of last year, and since it’s Grandma’s birthday today, we decided

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8:32 am | |

Cats, WW, and Yard Sales… Oh My!

To say life is busy is an understatement. The kitchen is still in pieces, I’m working 3 days a week, Luke’s work is super busy, and we are just trying

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8:23 pm | |


We went to the archery range Friday evening with Girl Scouts. I absolutely love archery, but to do it with Girl Scouts, we needed a certified instructor, so we invited

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8:12 am | |

Not Girl Scout Day Camp

So, this week (starting July 13th), would have been our local Girl Scout Day Camp. Obviously the plague canceled that. So, we are doing our own thing this week! Monday,

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9:00 am | |

Fourth of July Fun

Almost all fireworks displays were canceled because of the pandemic, so our normal festivities were altered. We grilled out for ourselves, and a lot later my parents, brother, uncle, and

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9:38 am | |

Birthday Goals

Happy July! It’s weigh-in day. It’s my birthday month. It’s the one year anniversary of getting a hysterectomy. July is a BIG month! I lost another 1.6 pounds this week!

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9:11 am | |

Wednesday Weigh – In

Yesterday was Wednesday, and since Wednesdays are the day my closest WW meeting group gets together, it became my weekly weigh-in day. Of course, there haven’t been face to face

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2:21 pm | |

How Does Your Garden Grow?

With dirt! 🤣 Seriously though, we are finally slowly working on the last 3 planter boxes, but a friend dropped of some plants and almost everywhere is out of bagged

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2:16 pm | |

Memorial Day Weekend

It was busy! And hot! To start the weekend off, I spent Friday at work for 6.5 hours putting away truck. Only to come home and go back with the

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