Today was another day full of projects. We got the planter boxes moved up by the house, so now I just need more dirt! The garden is doing ok, and
Read FullIt was busy! And hot! To start the weekend off, I spent Friday at work for 6.5 hours putting away truck. Only to come home and go back with the
Read FullWe had a few storms pop up around us today, but only a light sprinkle here at the house. It was however, hot and humid. We broke 80 degrees Fahrenheit!
Read FullToday we had a friend come over to breakdown our beehives. They died over the winter, and we hadn’t cracked them open yet to see what was going on. Each
Read FullToday was the best outside day so far this year! Sun, clouds, 70’s, slight breeze. I mowed around the swingset area and moved the mud kitchen. We still have some
Read FullToday Lilly turned 13! We weren’t able to take her shopping, but we did get iced coffees from the grocery store, and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Blizzard cake from Dairy
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