Tag: fitbit

8:32 am | |

Cats, WW, and Yard Sales… Oh My!

To say life is busy is an understatement. The kitchen is still in pieces, I’m working 3 days a week, Luke’s work is super busy, and we are just trying

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3:01 pm | |

Balancing Act

The biggest issue I’ve run into this Summer is balancing out life. I have a part-time job where the schedule changes each week. I have college stuff, house stuff, and

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8:07 am | |

Racking up Steps!

Now that the weather is staying mostly nice, I’m getting in a lot more daily steps. There’s always something that needs done around here, and the list keeps getting longer!

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9:11 am | |

Wednesday Weigh – In

Yesterday was Wednesday, and since Wednesdays are the day my closest WW meeting group gets together, it became my weekly weigh-in day. Of course, there haven’t been face to face

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2:16 pm | |

Memorial Day Weekend

It was busy! And hot! To start the weekend off, I spent Friday at work for 6.5 hours putting away truck. Only to come home and go back with the

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10:05 pm | |

A Very Long Day

This was my longest work day so far. I was scheduled 7 hours, so I got a 30 minute lunch. It was truck day, and the start of Memorial Day

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10:25 pm | |


I worked a 5 hour shift today, and it was busy! So busy I’m at 10K steps according to my Fitbit! 😳 I rarely hit that. It was also weigh

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8:58 pm | |

Day 66: Quarantine is Over?

So yeah, apparently the Governor is lifting the stay at home order that was in place until May 29th. There are still social distancing practices in place, not everything has

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