Tag: social distancing

7:37 am | |

Spring Storms

We had a terribly high heat index yesterday, leading up to a line of severe storms late last night. Many people got beautiful shots of a double rainbow and lightning,

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8:00 pm | |

Backyard Mechanic

Today was another day full of projects. We got the planter boxes moved up by the house, so now I just need more dirt! The garden is doing ok, and

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8:15 pm | |

Weekend Projects

After spending all day Friday at work, it was time to start the weekend projects! First, was finishing off 1 planter box and getting the dirt into it so I

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9:11 am | |

Wednesday Weigh – In

Yesterday was Wednesday, and since Wednesdays are the day my closest WW meeting group gets together, it became my weekly weigh-in day. Of course, there haven’t been face to face

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2:21 pm | |

How Does Your Garden Grow?

With dirt! 🤣 Seriously though, we are finally slowly working on the last 3 planter boxes, but a friend dropped of some plants and almost everywhere is out of bagged

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7:27 am | |


It’s been a busy week! I started losing weight again, we have growth in the gardens, SpaceX & NASA made history with the Falcon 9/Dragon/Demo 2 launch that is carrying

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2:16 pm | |

Memorial Day Weekend

It was busy! And hot! To start the weekend off, I spent Friday at work for 6.5 hours putting away truck. Only to come home and go back with the

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8:59 pm | |

Gearing up for Gardening

I woke up early, as usual, and caught the very pink sunrise through the trees. I’m not sure why I can’t sleep properly anymore, but it’s really starting to run

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8:58 pm | |

Day 66: Quarantine is Over?

So yeah, apparently the Governor is lifting the stay at home order that was in place until May 29th. There are still social distancing practices in place, not everything has

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9:00 pm | |

Day 65: Baby Birds…

Yes, I spent most of my day watching the webcam lol! Seriously, they are so adorable! The mom and dad Robins seem to have this co-parenting thing down pretty good!

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