Tag: step count

9:14 pm | |

Homestead Views

We had some rain this evening, resulting in a rainbow! We even had a double for a few minutes! I worked 5 hours today, but managed to get a short

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8:07 am | |

Racking up Steps!

Now that the weather is staying mostly nice, I’m getting in a lot more daily steps. There’s always something that needs done around here, and the list keeps getting longer!

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9:11 am | |

Wednesday Weigh – In

Yesterday was Wednesday, and since Wednesdays are the day my closest WW meeting group gets together, it became my weekly weigh-in day. Of course, there haven’t been face to face

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2:16 pm | |

Memorial Day Weekend

It was busy! And hot! To start the weekend off, I spent Friday at work for 6.5 hours putting away truck. Only to come home and go back with the

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10:05 pm | |

A Very Long Day

This was my longest work day so far. I was scheduled 7 hours, so I got a 30 minute lunch. It was truck day, and the start of Memorial Day

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10:25 pm | |


I worked a 5 hour shift today, and it was busy! So busy I’m at 10K steps according to my Fitbit! 😳 I rarely hit that. It was also weigh

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